حصريا على منتدى الحصريات جميع البومات Céline Dion
downloads included Tracks + CD Covers
الاسم :- Céline Marie Claudette Dion
تاريخ الميلاد:- 30/ 03/1968
مكان الميلاد:- شارليماجن , كيوبك , كندا .
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Album Name :Celine-Dion//Release date: 1986
Style | Genre: POP//Compositions | Tracks: 15
Size: 59.07 MB//Bitrate: 128 kbpS
Track List
02-Love can move mountaints
03-Show some emotion
04-If you asked me to
05-If you could see me now
06-Halfway to heaven
07-Did you give enough love
08-If I were you
09-Beauty and the beast
10-Little bit of love
11-Water from the moon
12-With this tear
13-I love you,good bye
14-Nothing broken but my heart
15-Where does my heart beat now
عدل سابقا من قبل Sweet LuLu في الإثنين مايو 18, 2009 1:39 am عدل 2 مرات